Sunday, February 7, 2010

your guardian angel

time ni aku ngah main lgu your guardian angel kt bilik.....kot i miss her sgt2......dah sebulan dah xjumpe dier....huhuhu
mish u just main bass jerk.hahaha sbb tali xcukup....after 2 tukar guitar plak..pki acoustic....nk record 2 la xder betry.hahahaha.sengal jerk...pasal bju m.u ni...aku suke2 jerk...xmnt pun m.u....aku the gunners yerk pembace2..bkn the devils..hahhaa...tu jerk..

1 comment:

  1. gmbar yg sgt smart!
    btw, so sweet coz gmbar ni mnunjuk kan u mish ur lovely gf!
    keep up ur gud work! =)
